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yahooニュース 産経新聞、首相「腹を割って意見交換」 7、8日に訪韓し尹大統領と会談  岸田文雄首相は1日(日本時間2日)、7~8日の日程で韓国を訪問し、尹錫悦(ユン・ソンニョル)大統領と会談する方向で調整(ちょうせい)していると明らかにした。訪問先(ほうもんさき)のガーナで記者団の取材に答えた。首相は尹氏が3月に来日(らいにち)した際(さい)、首脳同士が相互(そうご)に訪問する「シャトル外交」の再開(さいかい)で合意(ごうい)しており、その第1弾(いちだん)となる。 続いて、日本政府は4月28日に韓国を輸出手続き簡略化などの優遇措置の対象国となる「グループA(旧ホワイト国)」に再指定(さいしてい)する方針を発表したが、首相の訪韓(ほうかん)で成果(せいか)を示(しめ)せるかが焦点(しょうてん)になると書いていました。 日韓関係が改善されているようでうれしい記事でした。

Moving Average

In statistics, a moving average is a calculation used to analyze data points by creating a series of averages of different subsets of the full data set. In finance, a moving average (MA) is a stock indicator that is commonly used in technical analysis.

Let find Moving Average Line followed by previous market stock prices.

Module Import

from urllib.request import *
from bs4 import *
import requests
import re
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

in previous analysis (ref. https://tomtomplace.blogspot.com/2022/05/web-crawling.html), we've already get object variable 'pList', which is closing market stock price of Samsung electronic, and now we used to its data, we are going to make moving average price using Queue ADT.

Queue ADT

Queue is a linear data structure in which the insertion and deletion operations are performed at two different ends. In a queue data structure, adding and removing elements are performed at two different positions. The insertion is performed at one end and deletion is performed at another end. (ref. btechsmartclass) We can find 5 days moving average price using following method :

numMA_5 = 5
  mList_5 = []
  Q_5 = []
  mSum_5 = pList[0] * numMA_5
  for i in range(numMA_5) :
  for M in pList :
      mSum_5 = mSum_5 - Q_5.pop(0)
      mSum_5 += M

numMA_5 is a number how much interval days we want to set, mList_5 is such container saving average price analyzed, and Q_5 is temporary container to make average price. As using similar method, we can make 20 days moving average price and its of 60 days to use following codes :
def makeMA(pList):
  numMA_5 = 5
  mList_5 = []
  Q_5 = []
  mSum_5 = pList[0] * numMA_5

  numMA_20 = 20
  mList_20 = []
  Q_20 = []
  mSum_20 = pList[0] * numMA_20

  numMA_60 = 60
  mList_60 = []
  Q_60 = []
  mSum_60 = pList[0] * numMA_60

  for i in range(numMA_5) :
  for i in range(numMA_20) :
  for i in range(numMA_60) :

  for M in pList :
      mSum_5 = mSum_5 - Q_5.pop(0)
      mSum_5 += M

      mSum_20 = mSum_20 - Q_20.pop(0)
      mSum_20 += M

      mSum_60 = mSum_60 - Q_60.pop(0)
      mSum_60 += M


  return mList_5, mList_20, mList_60
makeMA() is the function which makes moving average price whose interval is 5, 20, 60 days.


To visualize our analyzed data, we need to make the function who draw a graph. From the above code, the function named drawGraph is chain-function which is make MA price graph.

def drawGraph(pList,mList_5,mList_20,mList_60):
graph = pd.Series(pList, index=range(len(pList)))
  graph_m5 = pd.Series(mList_5, index=range(len(pList)))
  graph_m20 = pd.Series(mList_20, index=range(len(pList)))
  graph_m60 = pd.Series(mList_60, index=range(len(pList)))
  plt.plot(graph, label = 'stock price')
  plt.plot(graph_m5, label = '5MA')
  plt.plot(graph_m20, label = '20MA')
  plt.plot(graph_m60, label = '60MA')
  plt.legend(loc = 'upper left')

The bottom image is following result.


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Team Q Research

  Q research Naver blog Qraft에 계신 선배님과 서강대학교 학부생이 함께 만든 퀀트 리서치 팀입니다. 주로 Machine Learning과 Quantitative Finance 분야를 다루며, 최근 연구 분야는 ML분류기에서 나온 Accuracy를 확률로써 해석하기 위해 Probability Calibration을 통해 보정하고, Bet size를 정하는 Secondary Model로써 활용하는 것을 연구중입니다. 이외에도 Machine Learning 분류기와 Neural Network를 사용하여 투자 집행에 도움이 되는 실전 전략 연구를 수행하고 있습니다.

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